Contact and information
Name of the Organiser: CNDD - Conselho Nacional de Danca Desportiva
Telephone Number of the Organiser: +55 11 96357 6450
Competition Venue: Arena Carioca 2
Address of the Venue: Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno - Bara da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 22775-039
Mismatch of results published on WDSF website and results shon on-site
Please read this detailed explanation about the mismatch in score shown on the WDSF website in the Pre-Qualifier rounds.
Friday, 14 April 2023
WDSF BfG World Series Breaking 1vs1 B-Boys Adult (2 days) | Confirmed results available |
WDSF BfG World Series Breaking 1vs1 B-Girls Adult (2 days) | Confirmed results available |